Bijna weten we weer welke films met de belangrijkste filmprijzen aan de haal gaan. Veel Oscarwinnaars zitten voor altijd in ons collectief filmgeheugen. Maar hoe collectief? Test hier jouw kennis over Oscar winnende films. 10 bekende quotes uit zeer bekende films, allemaal winnaar van de prijs voor beste film.
1) Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!
2) I’m the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.
3) Doctors… Lawyers… never get past 60 thousand rupees. He’s won 10 million.
4) I will not fall into despair! I will keep myself hardy until freedom is opportune!
5) You know, when you first hired me, my wife went out and bought one of your records. The one about the orphans?
6) At my signal, unleash hell.
7) Freedom!
8) If I’d a known that was the last time I was gonna talk to Bubba, I would’ve thought of something better to say.
9) It’s Hebrew, it’s from the Talmud. It says, “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.”
10) I’m the king of the world!
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