Marvel Quotes

Het MCU kent een schat aan prima films, en daarom ook aan zeer bruikbare quotes. Nu Avengers: Infinity War enorm aan het scoren is in de bioscopen is het wellicht leuk om even stil te staan bij al die andere films die aan deze wereld hebben bijgedragen. Welk personage uit welke film plaats je bij één van de volgende quotes?

1) Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?
2) Puny god.
3) It’s your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.
4) So much has happened since I last saw you! I lost my hammer, like yesterday, so that’s still fresh. Then I went on a journey of self-discovery. Then I met you.
5) It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I’m a superhero.

6) I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that alley. And that parking lot. And behind that diner.
7) I did not yield! And as you can see, I am not dead! The challenge continues!
8) I build neat stuff, got a great girl, occasionally save the world. So why can’t I sleep?
9) I am going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.
10) And who proved wrong all who scoffed at the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this realm has ever known?

11) Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to exit the donut.
12) This is so unlike you, brother. So… clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather punch your way out?
13) My days of breaking into places and stealing shit are over! What do you need me to do?
14) I’m glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan…
15) That’s not a hug. I’m just grabbing the door for you.

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