Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson begon ooit zijn filmcarrière met kleine rolletjes in Star Trek Voyager en The Mummy Returns. Waar de meeste WWF worstelaars al snel verzanden in allerhande goedkope actiefilms bleek hij over een prima komische timing te beschikken. Al snel kreeg hij een bloeiende acteercarrière die twintig jaar later nog steeds floreert. Uit welke Johnson films komen de volgende quotes? Tip, al deze quotes zijn van The Rock zelf.
1) I’m trying to save the world, which, for the record, will be my fourth time. ‘Cause I’m really good at it.
2) Fucking centaurs!
3) Baby you ain’t woman enough to take my man!
4) You didn’t take the easy way out. Not setting up one of your friends. I couldn’t do what you did. So it looks like you’re the one teaching me what real character and integrity is all about. I love you, son.
5) My gut says there’s some bad shit going on over there, and my balls say we need to go over there and check it out.
6) She returned to save the lives of your people. I won’t let her face Memnon’s wrath alone. Step aside.
7) Jesus Christ himself has blessed me with many gifts, one of them is knocking someone the fuck out!
8) Semper Fi, Motherfucker! Faithful to the corps John.
9) Daddy’s gotta go to work.
10) It’s a lot easier to be brave when you’ve got lives to spare. It’s a lot harder when you only have one life.
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